Serving our Clients Virtually

Great Results
For Your Practice Or Business With Our Expertise

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Revenue slowing down....? Need help?
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We can help keep your business safe.
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Nobody to answer or schedule your patients?
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About us

Medical Billing & Coding Services

A nationwide full-service Medical Billing/Coding & Administrative Services company.
We service that one provider office size to the large hospital size.

We have been around for over 20 years. We have a team of certified coders and specialists. We are that "one-stop-shop" for all your administrative needs.

With our company, you are assigned a designated team member to always have someone to update you and answer your questions. We know that billing isn't always an emergency, but we know that a clear mind and feeling that everything is under control is in fact an emergency to you and we are here to ensure you are taken care of.

Let our company service all your administrative needs so you can get back to growing your company with a peace of mind.

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We Are Committed To Our Services

Our team will be there for your patients.  We will ensure when they have questions, we take the time to listen and respond.  A happy patient equals a healthy practice.  

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Medical Billing & Coding Services

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Remote Scheduling Services

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HR & Payroll Services

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Hospital Billing Services

Reasons For Outsourcing

Outsourcing medical billing means that you’re sending that task to an organization that knows what it’s doing. While your staff might be very good at the billing process, they probably aren’t experts in the field. When you outsource, you have a whole team of experts who can check work to make sure that everything is accurate.

Contact Us

Get A Consultation

Or, Call Us At: 1-814-270-5856
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